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10-Story Detective eBook July 1947 - [Download] #RE1121
10-Story Detective eBook July 1947

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Product Code: RE1121

Radio Archives Pulp Classics
10 Story Detective eBook
July 1947
Total Pulp Experience. These exciting pulp adventures have been beautifully reformatted for easy reading as an eBook and features every story, every editorial, and every column of the original pulp magazine.
Every publisher of pulp magazines had a stable of detective action magazines. From Ace Magazines, also known as Fiction House, came 10 Story Detective magazine, which featured shorter detective fiction. Fiction House was probably most famous for it's long running jungle pulp featuring the Jungle Stories of Ki-Gor. Fiction House, aka Ace Magazines, started in the crime fiction field with Ten Detective Aces in 1928 (under the short-lived title of The Dragnet Magazine). As the audience for detective yards increased, Ace Magazines added 10 Story Detective, premiering in January 1938 and the magazine ran for eleven years, winding up with the August 1949 issue. It was standard sized at 112 pages and cost a standard dime, yet within those pages were some of the most entertaining crime fiction printed. 10 Story Detective returns in these vintage pulp tales, reissued for today’s readers in electronic format.
Table of Contents:
Terror of the Talking Tree — Novelet
by Glenn Low
At the farm of the terrible triplets, a weird voice calls the score of a madhouse chase.
Spelled Guilty
by Dave Grinnell
Though the rest of the force is baffled, Detective Corazel nabs the culprit without leaving his chair.
Whistle While You Slay
by Ric Hasse
Band Leader Lawson wields the baton for a homicide symphony.
The Whip Hand
by Neil Moron
It’s too long a cry back to Victorian tricks for two of today’s gunmen.
The Spectre on the Lake
by Joseph Commings
Senator Banner can pick a killer out of an empty pool.
You Can’t Kill Me Twice
by Davisson Lough
Though groggy, Detective Kedry makes a Police Positive recovery.
Pickpocket Patronage
by Margaret Rice
Joe Holliday plays sandwich man for the morgue.
Satan Rolls Sevens
by Morris Cooper
When gambling for blood money, keep an eye on the devil’s dice.
Operation Scarehead
by Edward William Murphy
Tom Brett’s argument meets up with a fast .45 rejoinder.
Head Off Trouble — “Alvin Hinkey” Yarn
by Joe Archibald
When that Gotham gumshoe is on the case, it’s the corpse that comes back to the scene of the killer.
Radio Archives Pulp Classics line of eBooks are of the highest quality and feature the great Pulp Fiction stories of the 1930s-1950s. All eBooks produced by Radio Archives are available in ePub and Mobi formats for the ultimate in compatibility. If you have a Kindle, the Mobi version is what you want. If you have an iPad/iPhone, Android, or Nook, then the ePub version is what you want.

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