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Dynamic Science Stories eBook April 1939 - [Download] #RE1023
Dynamic Science Stories eBook April 1939

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Product Code: RE1023

Radio Archives Pulp Classics
Dynamic Science Stories eBook
April 1939
Total Pulp Experience. These exciting pulp adventures have been beautifully reformatted for easy reading as an eBook and features every story, every editorial, and every column of the original pulp magazine.
In the 1930s, science fiction had a surge of popularity. Western Fiction Publishing Co., never ones to ignore a trend, jumped into the genre with both feet. Mystery Tales, Detective Mysteries, Marvel Tales and others were all part of their stable of magazine titles. Only two issues were published of Dynamic Science Stories... the February 1939 and the April 1939 issues. Then Western Fiction Publishing moved on to other magazines in an attempt to find the right mix of science fiction stories, releasing Marvel Science Stories, then Marvel Tales and Marvel Stories. Although Dynamic Science Stories was short-lived, it is still rememberd as an important miletone in the evolution of science fiction. Dynamic Science Stories returns in these vintage pulp tales, reissued for today’s readers in electronic format.
Table of Contents:
A Thrilling Book-Length Novel
Prison of Time
by Eando Binder
When Barry Carver’s plane was shot down in the Sahara desert, his precious message undelivered to the Allies, it meant the Dictator powers would win the Great War. But that was before Barry found Shorraine, Land of the Mirage, and the demon people of Phoryx, who schemed to enslave all Earthmen — and Sha-tahn, alter-ego of Satan, and spirit of Dictators of all generations!
Ananias — Top-Notch Novelette
by L. Sprague de Camp
In the war of the future will belligerent nations fight only with scientific machines of destruction? Or will they also use a more sinister weapon — subtle propaganda!
Under the North Pole — Top-Notch Novelette
by Ed Earl Repp
Hopelessly lost in the frozen Arctic, Anthropologist George Kane stumbled on that strange workroom, deep in the blue depths of a glacier. But he didn’t dream he had discovered a mad scientist’s ice-palace laboratory — and a wild scheme to bring world-chaos by demagnetizing the North Pole!
The Stronger — Top-Notch Novelette
by Fredric Arnold Kummer, Jr.
Instead of a space-trip from Venus to Earth, Jim Weston found himself a shanghaied member of a slave-crew, Mars-bound on Saturnian Slane’s rocket ship. And when they crashed on the red desert of Mars, this Earthman showed a Saturnian bully that on any planet it’s guts, not size, that makes the man!
Insight — Unusual Short Story
by Manly Wade Wellman
What would you do if you had a pair of contact eye-lenses that x-rayed cloth and wood? Perhaps, like Sam Sterrett, you’d find yourself in a kidnap-gang’s kill-trap — with the finger of death pointing at your sweetheart!
Through the Telescope — Science Department
The Test Tube — Science Department
Roundabout — Science Department
The Dynamic Cover
Norman Saunders, who achieved new heights in science-fiction illustration with his cover on the first issue of MARVEL, pictures, as only he could, the climax scene of Eando Binder’s novel, “Prison of Time.”
Radio Archives Pulp Classics line of eBooks are of the highest quality and feature the great Pulp Fiction stories of the 1930s-1950s. All eBooks produced by Radio Archives are available in ePub and Mobi formats for the ultimate in compatibility. If you have a Kindle, the Mobi version is what you want. If you have an iPad/iPhone, Android, or Nook, then the ePub version is what you want.

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