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Man Stories All Adventure eBook February 1931 - [Download] #RE485
Man Stories All Adventure eBook February 1931

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Product Code: RE485

Radio Archives Pulp Classics
Man Stories All Adventure eBook
February 1931
Total Pulp Experience. These exciting pulp adventures have been beautifully reformatted for easy reading as an eBook and features every story, every editorial, and every column of the original pulp magazine.
Wherever red-blooded adventure was to be found, there Man Stories All Adventure would take its readers. Across the globe, this magazine took its audience to thrilling locales that most could only imagine. From the eerie bayous of Louisiana to the surf-kissed islands of the South Pacific... from the hunt for gold in frozen Alaska to burning sands of Arabia... from the dangers of the African savanna to the mysteries of the Orient... these pulp tales offered the excitement of high adventure. Man Stories All Adventure was an early entry into the adventure pulp genre, making its debut with the October 1930 issue. However, it failed to find sufficient audience and changed its name in November 1931 to Popular Fiction. Then another name change in January 1933 to Nickel Detective, and one final name change in November 1933 to Strange Detective Stories. In all, there were 27 issues published, with the first eight of those under the title Man Stories All Adventure. But while those eight lasted, they offered some top-shelf adventure from authors like Hugh B. Cave, H. Bedford-Jones, Cyril Plunkett and Worthen C. Cornish. Man Stories All Adventure returns in these vintage pulp tales, reissued for today’s readers in electronic format.
Table of Contents:
Timber Hawks
by Jack Bertin
A complete novel of the logging country
The Great Tabu
by L. Patrick Greene
The story of a man who was called “He-who-must-not-be-touched”
by F.N. Litten
No mortal hand could pay this debt
The Ghost Ship
by Gladwell Richardson
The sea ruined him, then brought back his manhood
Above the Pole Star
by John Miller Gregory
A strange story of adventure on an unknown planet
by John G. Pearsol
Stirring adventures of the border patrolmen
Aces and Engines Wild
by A. de Herries Smith
An amusing story of two lumberjacks who run amuck
The Mohave Desert Wreck
by R. Craig Christensen
International crooks unmasked by an American aviator
The Red Swede Goes Mad
by Hugh B. Cave
A weird tale of the South Seas
Willie Craved Action
by Frank J. Schindler
An adventurous trombone player finds plenty of action overseas
Radio Archives Pulp Classics line of eBooks are of the highest quality and feature the great Pulp Fiction stories of the 1930s-1950s. All eBooks produced by Radio Archives are available in ePub and Mobi formats for the ultimate in compatibility. If you have a Kindle, the Mobi version is what you want. If you have an iPad/iPhone, Android, or Nook, then the ePub version is what you want.

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5 of 5 Great selection May 2, 2023
Reviewer: Stephen K Lau from Atlanta, GA United States  

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