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Marty Quade Private Detective Audiobook Volume 1 - 8 hours [Audio CDs] #RA798
Marty Quade Private Detective Audiobook Volume 1

8 hours - Audio CD Set

Our Price: $31.98

Availability: Usually Ships in 24 Hours
Product Code: RA798

Marty Quade Private Detective Audiobook
Volume 1
by Gordon Dymowski, Chris Bell, Gene Moyers and Michael Black
Read by Paul Curtis
The Return of Marty Quade
During the days of the classic pulps, one of the finest mystery magazines on the stands was 10 Detective Aces. Among the revolving series that appeared in that monthly were the cases of tough guy private eye Marty Quade as written by Emile C. Tepperman whose career went from 1933 to 1942. His most remembered work had been the Purple Invasion Series for Operator #5. Little is known about Mr. Tepperman. He was credited for writing radio broadcasts for programs such as Suspense and Gang Busters. Other than that, his life remains a mystery.
Now Airship 27 Productions is thrilled to bring back this classic pulp character in four brand new adventures written by Gordon Dymowski, Chris Bell, Gene Moyers and Michael Black. From a missing pulp writer to spies on a military base, gumshoe Quade finds himself knee deep in hot dames, flying fists, and lethal lead. But Quade is no ordinary shamus, with both a quick wit and street-smart survival skills; he almost always solves the case.
Airship 27 Productions’ award Winning Art Director, Rob Davis, created the cover, which is our homage to that old classic pulp mag. Read with stirring excitement by Paul Curtis.
Table of Contents:
Publish or Perish
by Gordon Dymowski

Dogs of War, Angels of Death
by Chris Bell

Over Their Head
by Gene Moyers

Dead Man’s Hand
by Michael Black

Paul Curtis was a truck driver for 23 years and that is where his fascination with old time radio and audiobooks began. Radio stars and narrators kept him company over the many miles. Now he is taking the opportunity to be the accompanying voice for the theater of the mind!

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