Over the western part of the United States fell the dark, terrible cloud of the most incredible invasion in history. Before this inhuman, scientific attack of Asia’s barbaric army, Americans died agonizingly in a deliberately released leprosy plague! As one great western city after another was wiped out, and the invading army’s ranks were overwhelmingly swelled by drugged American recruits, Operator #5 and his fighting patriots were slowly beaten back. Then came the showdown — when a handful of gallant sons of Liberty for the last time challenged a Yellow despot in order that America might still go free!
Wayne Rogers had not been writing Operator #5 for very long when he decided it was high time for new invasion. So commenced the coming of the Yellow Vulture. who attacked America from all fronts, putting her once again at risk of total conquest. The Yellow Vulture was a thinly-disguised Japanese militarist. Jimmy Christopher had been thwarting agents of the so-called Yellow Empire since the first year of the series, but now they had smashed through U. S. first-line defenses––just as the Japanese Empire would do only two years into the future at Pearl Harbor.
How long this sequence would have lasted will never be known. Five novels in, World War II broke out in Europe, making the prospect of an invasion of America seem too close to the headlines to be comfortable. Operator #5 magazine was quietly folded with its November, 1939 issue with the fate of America left hanging in the balance....
Over defenseless America swept the ruthless Asiatic invasion — its gigantic air-armada and cruel plague-germs wiping out all resistance. Operator #5 and his battling aides were the last challenge to a Brown vandal who had reduced this country to desolation and ashes!
Winged Hordes of the Yellow Vulture is read with stirring intensity by Milton Bagby. Originally published in the May-June 1939 issue of Operator #5 magazine.