War Scare — An Editorial
Winged Hordes of the Yellow Vulture
by Curtis Steele
Over the western part of the United States fell the dark, terrible cloud of the most incredible invasion in history. Before this inhuman, scientific attack of Asia’s barbaric army, Americans died agonizingly in a deliberately released leprosy plague! As one great western city after another was wiped out, and the invading army’s ranks were overwhelmingly swelled by drugged American recruits, Operator 5 and his fighting patriots were slowly beaten back. Then came the showdown — when a handful of gallant sons of Liberty for the last time challenged a Yellow despot in order that America might still go free!
Things That Made America Great
The Spy Who Saved a Nation
by Morton Taney
He was one lone Continental undercover agent against the whole British army — doomed to die ignobly if he failed. That night, hemmed in by the enemy, he began his hazardous return journey to General Washington — carrying the secret upon which hung the lives of untold thousands...
The Secret Sentinel — A Department
Secret Sentinel Reports — Our Readers