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Planet Stories eBook Winter 1946 - [Download] #RE1163
Planet Stories eBook Winter 1946

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Product Code: RE1163

Radio Archives Pulp Classics
Planet Stories eBook
Winter 1946
Total Pulp Experience. These exciting pulp adventures have been beautifully reformatted for easy reading as an eBook and features every story, every editorial, and every column of the original pulp magazine.
During the science-fiction boom of the 1930s, there were over a dozen pulp magazines dedicated to the subject. Analog, Startling Stories, Amazing Stories, Wonder Stories, Captain Future and Super Science Stories were just a few. In 1939, the pulp magazine publisher of Jungle Stories, and many others, added its own entry into the sci-fi field, Planet Stories. Until it folded in 1955, it published ground-breaking science fiction from some of the genre's brightest stars, including such luminaries as Ray Cummings, Frederic Arnold Kummer, Jr., Eando Binder, Leight Bracket, Isaac Asimov, Clifford D. Simak, Henry Kuttner, Ray Bradbury, Frederik Pohl, James Blish, A.E. van Vogt, Theodore Sturgeon, Alan E. Nourse and Robert Sheckley. Planet Stories returns in these vintage pulp tales, reissued for today’s readers in electronic format.
Table of Contents:
Two Thrilling Novels of Future Worlds
The Man the Sun Gods Made
By Gardner F. Fox
The Tryllans worshipped him as god. Yet grief bowed those superbly-muscled shoulders, for Tyr knew he was no more divine than the lowest ray-gunner of the invader hordes.
The Seven Jewels of Chamar
By Raymond F. Jones
Scattered, the jewels were maddening. Held in a grasping palm they bestowed power enough to rule the System. But space-roving Nathan and the deadly Firebird learned the terrible price of that power.
Seven Fascinating Space-Tales
Love Among the Robots
By Emmett McDowell
Henry Ohm found his robots hard to control — with that girl around. There was something about her — ah — personality!
By Carl Jacobi
There was treasure beyond price in those plague-darkened cities of Ganymede, provided the seeker, too, had no price.
Space Bat
By Carl Selwyn
Out of the caves of space it flew — huge, rapacious, terrifying. But Lou Flint wanted it more than he wanted the luscious Karen.
Fog of the Forgotten
By Basil Wells
Rebelling against science, his people had thrust themselves down into the ancient mists. Now Ho Dyak wanted light.
By Tom Pace
Frantically, the space-liner called Commander Gray: “Disaster ahead — you can save us!” He smiled grimly; he knew the only way.
Savage Galahad
By Bryce Walton
Master of the slimy beasts of Venus, dedicated to survival — what buried instinct could drive him to suicide?
Breath of Beelzebub
By Larry Sternig
Only half an ounce of the liquor from Planetoid Y-145 had been distilled. But that was enough to drive the universe mad!
P.S.’s Departments
P.S.’s Feature Flash
The Vizigraph
Radio Archives Pulp Classics line of eBooks are of the highest quality and feature the great Pulp Fiction stories of the 1930s-1950s. All eBooks produced by Radio Archives are available in ePub and Mobi formats for the ultimate in compatibility. If you have a Kindle, the Mobi version is what you want. If you have an iPad/iPhone, Android, or Nook, then the ePub version is what you want.

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5 of 5 August 22, 2022
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