Four Horror-Packed Weird Novelettes
Take Me, and Die!
by Arthur J. Burks
How could Prestley Crane know that he would fall into the power of an old hag — a sickeningly aged harridan with a young girls’s voluptuous, pulsating body — who would force this awful decision: Take me as your mate, or see your sweetheart thrown to my slavering hired thugs!
Horror Owns My Heart
by Omar Gwinn
When our luxurious honeymoon yacht was driven to that lonely harbor, I couldn’t guess that my young bride and I would be guests of a madman who’d offer me unspeakable death — and present my bride with a lusting scientific monster as her new groom!
Nameless Brides of Forbidden City
by Frederick C. Davis
Would that I could forget those nightmare hours spent in the Forbidden City! Banish the memory of that beautiful girl’s body stretched on a mad cult’s unholy shrine; never recall my own wild thoughts as I slowly approached her helpless, naked form, the sacrificial sword in my hand — for that pitiful victim was the mother of my son, my own adorable wife!
Revelry in Hell
by Donald Graham
What nameless power of evil spread its dark wings over that fashionable girl’s school, to mark those tender young maidens as the unwilling mates of a freak-horde of sideshow horrors? What madman’s unutterable curse doomed those defenseless girls to matriculate in Satan’s own university — the Carnival of Passion and Pain!
Four Spine-Tingling Eerie Short Stories
Agony in Clay
by Mindret Lord
Next time you have a sudden, agonizing pain in your head, your chest, or anywhere at all in your body — try to remember! Is there a photograph of you that I could have found?
Mortician for Satan’s Other-World
by Donald Dale
A promising young artist, Barry Gordon, looked to a bright future — until his pictures of violence and degradation began to come true — until he depicted his own lovely wife, helpless victim in a monster’s subterranean lair!
Stalked by Terror’s Mate
by George E. Clark
I swore that no remotest power of hell could ever make me desert my beautiful Ellen — until my will became water before a girl whose body and soul belonged to Satan!
Keepsake from the Corpse
by Blackstone Gray
When sculptor Randy Carter took that grisly assignment to reconstruct the crushed bodies of those pitiful crash victims, he never dreamed how gruesome the task might be — until he found his facile fingers strangely fashioning the features of the girl he loved!