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Operator #5 eBook #38 March-April 1938 The Siege that Brought the Black Death - [Download] #RE156
Operator #5 eBook #38 March-April 1938 The Siege that Brought the Black Death

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Product Code: RE156

Radio Archives Pulp Classics
Operator #5 eBook
#38 The Siege That Brought the Black Death - March-April 1938
by Emile C. Tepperman writing as Curtis Steele
The Purple Invasion story #13 of 13
Total Pulp Experience. These exciting pulp adventures have been beautifully reformatted for easy reading as an eBook and features every story, every editorial, and every column of the original pulp magazine. As a special bonus, Will Murray has written an introduction especially for this series of eBooks.
Jimmy Christopher, clean-cut, square-jawed and clear-eyed, was the star of the most audacious pulp magazines ever conceived — Operator #5. Savage would-be conquerors, creepy cults, weird weather-controllers and famine-creating menaces to our mid-western breadbasket... these were but a few of the fiendish horrors that Jimmy Christopher was forced to confront.
What has become known as the “War and Peace of the Pulps” commenced with the searing novel, Death’s Ragged Army, which appeared in the July, 1936 issue of Operator #5 magazine. The legions of Emperor Maximilian swept in and took over New England, initiating the Second War of Independence. Jimmy Christopher and his friends and allies in the Intelligence Service were enlisted in a desperate undertaking to hurl back to Europe the forces of the Purple Emperor. The legendary Purple Invasion series had begun and lasted an amazing 13 installments. In order to enjoy the unfolding storyline, it's best to start with Death’s Ragged Army and read sequentially through to The Siege that Brought the Black Death. These 13 novels represent the most daring and unique departure ever in this kind of pulp magazine.
Operator #5 and the Purple Invasion series returns in vintage pulp tales, reissued for today’s readers in electronic format.
Table of Contents:
by Will Murray
Invisible Foe — Editorial
Thrilling Feature-length Novel Of America's Undercover Ace
The Siege That Brought the Black Death
by Curtis Steele
Pitted against the Mongol land forces, and the Purple Fleet, bombarding from the sea — New York's embattled army had stood off the long, bitter siege. At last, victory was within the grasp of Operator 5 and his little band of American fighters. Then came the Emperor's final trump card — a foul, slaying miasma which loosed itself over the land, bringing a torturing, horrible death — which all men knew and feared as Europe's medieval Black Plague!
King of America — Gripping Short Story Of Undercover Warfare
by Wayne Rogers
Hidden in the earth's bowels was the man who plotted to make himself king — in his possession the world's most destructive force. But against him came a patriot, who knew no tricks but those his fists could teach!
Red Finger's Murder Messenger — Gripping Short Story
by Arthur Leo Zagat
Limitless wealth lay there, ready to buy America's doom — but the Three who plotted disaster had overlooked one small detail. It was only an uncorked bottle in Red Finger's hand — but it held the fate of a nation!
Things That Made America Great:
Liberty's Bridge of Death
by Morton Taney
Only that death-ridden bridge stood between Virginia and freedom — yet the British had made the trap foolproof. Then appeared the boy who showed patriots how to win a battle that defied the might of the world!
The Secret Sentinel  — A Department
Secret Sentinel Reports — Our Readers
Radio Archives Pulp Classics line of eBooks are of the highest quality and feature the great Pulp Fiction stories of the 1930s-1950s. All eBooks produced by Radio Archives are available in ePub and Mobi formats for the ultimate in compatibility. If you have a Kindle, the Mobi version is what you want. If you have an iPad/iPhone, Android, or Nook, then the ePub version is what you want.

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