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Dynamic Science Stories eBook February 1939 - [Download] #RE227
Dynamic Science Stories eBook February 1939

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Product Code: RE227

Radio Archives Pulp Classics
Dynamic Science Stories eBook
February 1939
Total Pulp Experience. These exciting pulp adventures have been beautifully reformatted for easy reading as an eBook and features every story, every editorial, and every column of the original pulp magazine.
In the 1930s, science fiction had a surge of popularity. Western Fiction Publishing Co., never ones to ignore a trend, jumped into the genre with both feet. Mystery Tales, Detective Mysteries, Marvel Tales and others were all part of their stable of magazine titles. Only two issues were published of Dynamic Science Stories... the February 1939 and the April 1939 issues. Then Western Fiction Publishing moved on to other magazines in an attempt to find the right mix of science fiction stories, releasing Marvel Science Stories, then Marvel Tales and Marvel Stories. Although Dynamic Science Stories was short-lived, it is still rememberd as an important miletone in the evolution of science fiction. Dynamic Science Stories returns in these vintage pulp tales, reissued for today’s readers in electronic format.
Table of Contents:
A Complete Gripping Novel
The Lord of Tranerica
by Stanton Coblentz
Because Hannibal Spratt, inhuman dictator of Tranerica, wanted lovely Celia Stanwick, his exploding time-machine made a space-devouring Catalyst of the Fourth Dimension, and sucked Celia out of 1938 into the mad mechanical hell of 2439!
Mutineers of Space — Great Long Science Novelette
by Lloyd Arthur Eshbach
Doomed by an Interplanetary racketeer to slave their lives away for the rejuvenating sulphur crystals of Jupiter, what chance had those frail Terrestrials to escape the monstrous Jovians and blast their way 550,000,000 miles to Mercury and revenge!
Quest of Zipantoric — Great Long Science Novelette
by Robert Moore Williams
Within that amazing bubble of flame was a beautiful girl, her hand holding a scepter symbol of Zipantoric — her gesture condemning Dick Markle and Dr. Burstone to the terrible wrath of a Mayan fire god’s incredible scientific devices!
The Mercurian Menace — Super-Science Short Story
by Nelson S. Bond
What fiendish creatures of flame lived on that macabre terrain which was the dark side of Mercury? Aided by the bouncing-ball humans of the hot side, Buzz Carson plunged too late into the chill anti-hell necromancy of that inexplicable land to join a lovely girl in a destiny of disintegration!
The Message from the Void — Super-Science Short Story
by Hubert Mavity
Mutual misunderstanding between Mars and Earth — because of two factors in the abstract beyond their comprehension!
The Test Tube — Science Department
Through the Telescope — Science Department
The Dynamic Cover
The editors of Dynamic Science Stories felt that it was only fitting that the acknowledged greatest of science-fiction artists should do its inaugural cover; Frank R. Paul pictures a dramatic scene from Stanton Coblentz’ novel “The Lord of Tranerica.”
Radio Archives Pulp Classics line of eBooks are of the highest quality and feature the great Pulp Fiction stories of the 1930s-1950s. All eBooks produced by Radio Archives are available in ePub and Mobi formats for the ultimate in compatibility. If you have a Kindle, the Mobi version is what you want. If you have an iPad/iPhone, Android, or Nook, then the ePub version is what you want.

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