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Radio Archives Treasures, Volume 22 - 20 hours [Download] #RA922D
Radio Archives Treasures, Volume 22 - 20 hours

20 hours - Digital Download

Our Price: $39.99

Availability: Available for download now
Product Code: RA922D

Radio Archives Treasures
Volume 22
Audio Clip
Radio Preservation has always been at the core of Radio Archives. This exciting series is derived from our massive collection of thirty thousand radio shows from 16" transcription discs and fifty thousand shows from low generation reels.
This 20 hour collection includes shows from the classic days of Radio. You'll find rare and obscure as well as mainstream radio shows from the 1930s, 1940s, and 1950s in the Radio Archives Treasures sets.
These shows have all been restored with state-of-the-art CEDAR technology - the audio processing system used by major recording companies to restore older recordings. We expect the shows to be the best sounding copies available anywhere.
Radio Archives Treasures are available as MP3 digital downloads or Audio CDs, restored to sparkling digital quality.
CD #1
Grand Marquee
Uncle Will and the Hot Dollar
Thursday, June 12, 1947 - 30:00 - NBC - Rayve Cream Shampoo
Grand Marquee
Betty and His Wife Horace
Thursday, June 19, 1947 - 30:00 - NBC - Rayve Cream Shampoo
CD #2
The Lux Radio Theatre
#276 Wings of the Navy
Monday, October 7, 1940 - 60:00 - CBS - Lux Commercials
CD #3
My Favorite Husband
The French Lessons
Friday, December 9, 1949 - 30:00 - CBS - Jell-O, Log Cabin syrup commercials
My Favorite Husband
George's Christmas Presents
Friday, December 16, 1949 - 30:00 - CBS - Jell-O, Log Cabin syrup commercials
CD #4
Our Orchestra
Series C #6A
1930s - 15:00 - Transco Syndication - No commercials
Jimmy Grier
Series C #6B
1930s - 15:00 - Transco Syndication - No commercials
Jimmy Grier
Series C #7A
1930s - 15:00 - Transco Syndication - No commercials
Jimmy Grier
Series C #7B
1930s - 15:00 - Transco Syndication - No commercials
CD #5
High Adventure
Inside Story
Sunday, April 9, 1950 - 30:00 - NBC - Old Spice, Shulton Shampoo commercials
High Adventure
Wild Pitch
Sunday, May 7, 1950 - 30:00 - NBC - Old Spice, Shulton Shampoo commercials
CD #6
The Bing Crosby Show
Guests Lindsay Crosby, Joe Venuti
Thursday, May 28, 1953 - 30:00 - CBS - General Electric commercials
The Bing Crosby Show
Guests Lindsay Crosby, Joe Venuti
Thursday, June 4, 1953 - 30:00 - CBS - General Electric commercials
CD #7
Exploring the Unknown
Chuckle Charlie & the Christmas Cloud
Sunday, December 21, 1947 - 30:00 - ABC - Sustained no commercials
Exploring the Unknown
Murder in Bed
Sunday, December 28, 1947 - 30:00 - ABC - Sustained no commercials
CD #8
NBC Presents: Short Story
Crazy Sunday
Wednesday, March 7, 1951 - 30:00 - NBC - US Marine Corps commercials
NBC Presents: Short Story
The Lottery
Wednesday, March 14, 1951 - 30:00 - NBC - US Marine Corps commercials
CD #9
The Ted Lewis Show
#15 Strike Up the Band
1947 - 30:00 - Chartoc-Colman syndication - No commercials
The Ted Lewis Show
#16 Let a Smile Be Your Umbrella
1947 - 30:00 - Chartoc-Colman syndication - No commercials
CD #10
The Hall of Fantasy
The Steps That Follow Me
Friday, September 19, 1952 - 30:00 - Mutual - Sustained no commercials
The Hall of Fantasy
Sunday, April 27, 1947 - 30:00 - KALL Salt Lake City - Granite Furniture Stores
CD #11
The Fighting A.A.F.
#21 Atomic Bomb
Thursday, July 12, 1945 - 45:00 - ABC - Sustained, no commercials
Guest Star
#536 Glenn Miller Orchestra
Sunday, June 30, 1957 - 15:00 - Treasury Department syndication - Savings Bonds commercials
CD #12
The Grantland Rice Story
#37 Turkey Hunting
Friday, March 16, 1956 - 15:00 - Thesaurus syndication - No commercials
The Grantland Rice Story
#38 The Man Who Hates to Lose
Friday, March 23, 1956 - 15:00 - Thesaurus syndication - No commercials
The Grantland Rice Story
#39 Gene Tunney 2nd Installment
Friday, March 30, 1956 - 15:00 - Thesaurus syndication - No commercials
The Grantland Rice Story
#40 "Red" Blaik of Army
Friday, April 6, 1956 - 15:00 - Thesaurus syndication - No commercials
CD #13
The Clock
The Millionaire
Tuesday, October 11, 1955 - 30:00 - Grace Gibson syndication - No commercials
The Clock
The Sentimental Cop
Tuesday, June 26, 1956 - 30:00 - Grace Gibson syndication - No commercials
CD #14
One Night Stand
#4437 Andre Previn and His Orchestra
1950s - 30:00 - AFRS - No commercials
One Night Stand
#4465 Bernard Tafair From London House in Chicago
1950s - 30:00 - AFRS - No commercials
CD #15
The Man on The Farm
Saturday, April 19, 1947 - 30:00 - Syndicated - Quaker Oats - Ful-O-Pep Feeds commercials
The Man on The Farm
Saturday, April 26, 1947 - 30:00 - Syndicated - Quaker Oats - Ful-O-Pep Feeds commercials
CD #16
The Cavalcade of America
#171 Tisquantum, Strange Friend of the Pilgrims
Tuesday, January 23, 1940 - 30:00 - Blue - DuPont Chemical Company commercials excised
The Cavalcade of America
#174 Abraham Lincoln and the War Years
Tuesday, February 13, 1940 - 30:00 - Blue - DuPont Chemical Company commercials excised
CD #17
The Victory Parade of Spotlight Bands
#620 Tommy Dorsey and His Orchestra From LaGuardia Field, NYC
Monday, March 12, 1945 - 15:00 - Blue/AFRS - No commercials
The Victory Parade of Spotlight Bands
#697 Johnny Long and His Orchestra From Liberal Army Air Field
1945 - 15:00 - Blue/AFRS - No commercials
The Victory Parade of Spotlight Bands
#698 Ray Baduc and His Orchestra
Monday, June 11, 1945 - 15:00 - Blue/AFRS - No commercials
The Victory Parade of Spotlight Bands
#700 Louis Prima and His Orchestra From Holy Cross and Worcester Tech
Wednesday, June 13, 1945 - 15:00 - Blue/AFRS - No commercials
CD #18
The Big Show
#51 Phil Foster, Richard Easthan, Ethel Merman, Joe Frisco, Shepard Sturdwick, Peter Lorre, and Fibber McGee & Molly
Sunday, March 9, 1952 - 60:00 - NBC - Reynolds Aluminum, Chesterfield, Anacin, Dentyne commercials
CD #19
The Big Show
#51 Phil Foster, Richard Easthan, Ethel Merman, Joe Frisco, Shepard Sturdwick, Peter Lorre, and Fibber McGee & Molly
Sunday, March 9, 1952 - 30:00 - NBC - Reynolds Aluminum, Chesterfield, Anacin, Dentyne commercials
The Big Show
#53 Earl Wrightson, Marlene Dietrich, Paul Douglas, and Jack Pearl
Sunday, March 23, 1952 - 30:00 - AFRS - No commercials
CD #20
Paul Whiteman Presents Musical Varieties
Donald Novis, Ramona, The Kings Men, Jack Teagarden, Frank Trumbauer, Bob Lawrence, Durelle & Hauser
Sunday, February 2, 1936 - 45:00 - NBC/WJZ - Woodbury's Cold Cream commercials
Here's to Veterans
#430 Paul Whiteman
15:00 - Veterans Administration syndication - No commercials

Average Customer Review: Average Customer Review: 5 of 5 5 of 5 Total Reviews: 1 Write a review

  0 of 0 people found the following review helpful:
5 of 5 Excellent selection February 20, 2023
Reviewer: Stephen K Lau from Atlanta, GA United States  
Good variety.  Great sound quality.

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