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Complete Cowboy eBook 1942 September - [Download] #RE1257
Complete Cowboy eBook 1942 September

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Product Code: RE1257

Radio Archives Pulp Classics
Complete Cowboy eBook
September 1942
Total Pulp Experience. These exciting pulp adventures have been beautifully reformatted for easy reading as an eBook and features every story, every editorial, and every column of the original pulp magazine.
Tales of the great American west struck a nerve with pulp magazine readers. It seemed that their appetite was insatiable when it came to cowboy action. Columbia Publications (also known as Blue Ribbon Publications and Double-Action Magazines) released a wide variety of western titles to appease their western fans. Complete Cowboy was one of those. Some of the others were: Double Action Western Magazine, Real Western, Western Action, Blue Ribbon Western, Famous Western and Western Yarns. All of these offered the hard-hitting action, the bronco-ridin' thrills that western fans demanded. Complete Cowboy began publication in January 1939 and ran for 42 issues until the final magazine hit the stands in April/May of 1950. Complete Cowboy now returns in these vintage pulp tales, reissued for today’s readers in electronic format.
Table of Contents:
Two New Complete Novels
Hired Holsters — A Silver Kid Novel
by T.W. Ford
There was something phony in the gun-thunder that echoed around Skelton Ravine, and the Silver Kid aimed to get at the bottom of it. So he joined the bushwhack game and hired out his holsters in bloody range feud. But when he found himself the target of the Colt coyotes...
Lawman’s Gunsmoke Crusade
by Cliff Campbell
Jim Blake’s plan to join the bullion bandits in the guise of an embittered Ranger, unjustly ousted by martinet Captain Waverly, worked perfectly — until he found that Waverly was the leader of the owlhoots!
Two Quick-Trigger Novelets
One Veterinary, One Undertaker, One Gun-War
by Lee Floren
Ringbone Smith and Funeral O’Neill had a problem on their hands. They had to clear Ed Burnett of the trumped-up charge that landed him in jail. But they couldn’t let him stay there, because a necktie party for Ed was brewing; and they dassn’t break him out because dry-gulchers’ bullets were waiting for him. In fact they couldn’t do anything. The way the old hellions did it makes one of the saltiest, punchingest, gosh-darn yarns we’ve seen in a long, long time!
A Man Called Trigger
by P.J. Delancye
Jack McCall came back to Tombstone to find that he’d been given a bad name so they could hang him. He knew who the coyote behind this game was: Slade, the one who had jumped McCall’s claim and drygulched his partner. But Slade had things nicely arranged, and Trigger found himself tangled with Marshall Wyatt Earp, bane of badmen!
Two Smashing Short Stories
Boothill Bait
by Earl L. Bradner
John Hale suddenly realized that not only was he working for the man who killed his father but that a ticket to Boothill was being made out for him. But the thing that dropped the world from under him was the suspicion that lovely June Ellery was only the bait for a killer’s trap.
Appointment With Death
by G.C. Ogle
Cass Hollister was tired of being a gun-wolf, but it was too late for him to turn back now. Yet, one thing could be done. The owlhoots had their claws on Cass’ brother — he could keep an appointment with Death in Oro Fino and save young Hollister from an end like his own.
Radio Archives Pulp Classics line of eBooks are of the highest quality and feature the great Pulp Fiction stories of the 1930s-1950s. All eBooks produced by Radio Archives are available in ePub and Mobi formats for the ultimate in compatibility. If you have a Kindle, the Mobi version is what you want. If you have an iPad/iPhone, Android, or Nook, then the ePub version is what you want.

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