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Radio Archives Treasures, Volume 66 - 20 hours [Audio CDs] #RA966
Radio Archives Treasures, Volume 66 - 20 hours

20 hours - Audio CD Set

Our Price: $79.98

Availability: Usually Ships in 24 Hours
Product Code: RA966

Radio Archives Treasures
Volume 66
Audio Clip
Radio Preservation has always been at the core of Radio Archives. This exciting series is derived from our massive collection of thirty thousand radio shows from 16" transcription discs and fifty thousand shows from low generation reels.
This 20 hour collection includes shows from the classic days of Radio. You'll find rare and obscure as well as mainstream radio shows from the 1930s, 1940s, and 1950s in the Radio Archives Treasures sets.
These shows have all been restored with state-of-the-art CEDAR technology - the audio processing system used by major recording companies to restore older recordings. We expect the shows to be the best sounding copies available anywhere.
Radio Archives Treasures are available as MP3 digital downloads or Audio CDs, restored to sparkling digital quality.
CD #1
The Harold Peary Show
Harold's Campaign Speech
Wednesday, October 25, 1950 - 30:00 - CBS - Sustaining no commercials
The Harold Peary Show
Harold Decides He Wants to Lose the Election
Wednesday, November 1, 1950 - 30:00 - CBS - Sustaining no commercials
CD #2
Thirty Minutes in Hollywood
Guests Mayor of New York City and Ned Wever
Sunday, May 22, 1938 - 30:00 - Mutual - Crawford Clothes commercials
Thirty Minutes in Hollywood
George's Uncle (Incomplete)
Sunday, July 3, 1938 - 30:00 - Mutual - No commercials
CD #3
Philco Radio Time
#10 Peggy Lee
Wednesday, December 18, 1946 - 30:00 - ABC - Philco Radio commercials
Philco Radio Time
#11 Christmas Show
Wednesday, December 25, 1946 - 30:00 - ABC - Philco Radio commercials
CD #4
You Bet Your Life
Secret Word - Name
Wednesday, December 28, 1949 - 30:00 - NBC - Elgin-American commercials
You Bet Your Life
Secret Word - Tree
Wednesday, January 4, 1950 - 30:00 - CBS - DeSoto-Plymouth commercials
CD #5
Wild Bill Hickok
#13 Warpath or Peace
Sunday, August 19, 1951 - 30:00 - Mutual - Kellogg's Corn Pops commercials
Wild Bill Hickok
#14 The Secret of Arroyo Diablo
Sunday, August 26, 1951 - 30:00 - Mutual - Kellogg's Corn Pops commercials
CD #6
#172 Janet Blair
1940s - 30:00 - AFRS - No commercials
#173 Janet Blair
1940s - 30:00 - AFRS - No commercials
CD #7
Command Performance
#40 Betty Grable, Judy Canova, Edgar Bergen
Tuesday, November 3, 1942 - 30:00 - AFRS - No commercials
Command Performance
#65 Ginny Simms, Jimmie Dean
Wednesday, May 5, 1943 - 30:00 - AFRS - No commercials
CD #8
The Smiths of Hollywood
#20 Uncle Cecil's Birthday
1947 - 30:00 - Finley syndication, Mutual origination - No commercials
The Smiths of Hollywood
#21 Snodgrass Selby
1947 - 30:00 - Finley syndication, Mutual origination - No commercials
CD #9
The Robin Hood Show
1950s - 15:00 - Syndicated - Robin Hood Flour commercials
The Robin Hood Show
1950s - 15:00 - Syndicated - Robin Hood Flour commercials
The Robin Hood Show
1950s - 15:00 - Syndicated - Robin Hood Flour commercials
The Robin Hood Show
1950s - 15:00 - Syndicated - Robin Hood Flour commercials
CD #10
Studio One
#13 Holiday
Tuesday, July 22, 1947 - 60:00 - CBS - Sustaining no commercials
CD #11
The Green Valley Line
#13 The Dispatcher's Office Is Wrecked
1934 - 15:00 - Syndicated - No commercials
The Green Valley Line
#14 Possible Take Over and a Stock Holders Meeting
1934 - 15:00 - Syndicated - No commercials
The Green Valley Line
#15 Intrigue at the Stockholders Meeting
1934 - 15:00 - Syndicated - No commercials
The Green Valley Line
#16 An Attempt to Get Into the Railroad Safe
1934 - 15:00 - Syndicated - No commercials
CD #12
Chevrolet Musical Moments Revue
1937 - 15:00 - Syndicated - Chevrolet commercials
Chevrolet Musical Moments Revue
1937 - 15:00 - Syndicated - Chevrolet commercials
Chevrolet Musical Moments Revue
1937 - 15:00 - Syndicated - Chevrolet commercials
Chevrolet Musical Moments Revue
1937 - 15:00 - Syndicated - Chevrolet commercials
CD #13
Proudly We Hail
#91 Charity Ball
1950 - 30:00 - Army syndication - Army recruiting commercials
Proudly We Hail
#92 Room for Rent
1950 - 30:00 - Army syndication - Army recruiting commercials
CD #14
The Hunchback of Notre Dame
1934 - 15:00 - Australia - No commercials
The Hunchback of Notre Dame
1934 - 15:00 - Australia - No commercials
The Hunchback of Notre Dame
1934 - 15:00 - Australia - No commercials
The Hunchback of Notre Dame
1934 - 15:00 - Australia - No commercials
CD #15
Town and Country Time
#96 Deacon Andy Griffith
1953 - 15:00 - Army syndication - Army recruiting commercials
Town and Country Time
#97 The Foggy Mountain Boys
1953 - 15:00 - Army syndication - Army recruiting commercials
Town and Country Time
#98 Ernest Tubb
1953 - 15:00 - Army syndication - Army recruiting commercials
Town and Country Time
#99 The Foggy Mountain Boys
1953 - 15:00 - Army syndication - Army recruiting commercials
CD #16
Bright Star
General Beaver
Thursday, April 30, 1953 - 30:00 - ZIV Syndication - No commercials
Bright Star
Susan's Cousin Emily
Thursday, May 7, 1953 - 30:00 - ZIV Syndication - No commercials
CD #17
This Is Nora Drake
Nora Finds Six Sleeping Pills
Monday, December 1, 1947 - 15:00 - NBC - Toni Home Permament commercials
This Is Nora Drake
Evelyn Keating Is Told About the Pills by Dr. Jensen
Tuesday, December 2, 1947 - 15:00 - NBC - Toni Home Permament commercials
This Is Nora Drake
Rose Fuller, Superintendant of Nurses, Argues With Bob Keating
Wednesday, December 3, 1947 - 15:00 - NBC - Toni Home Permament commercials
This Is Nora Drake
Evelyn Walks Out on Bob
Thursday, December 4, 1947 - 15:00 - NBC - Toni Home Permament commercials
This Is Nora Drake
Nora's Father Has Been Admitted to the Hospital
Tuesday, December 9, 1947 - 15:00 - NBC - Toni Home Permament commercials
CD #18
Treasury Star Parade
#251 The Moylan Sisters
Wednesday, September 8, 1943 - 15:00 - Treasury Department syndication - Treasury Department commercials
Treasury Star Parade
#252 Bing Crosby
Thursday, September 9, 1943 - 15:00 - Treasury Department syndication - Treasury Department commercials
Treasury Star Parade
#269 Oklahoma
Sunday, September 26, 1943 - 15:00 - Treasury Department syndication - Treasury Department commercials
Treasury Star Parade
#270 Blondie
Monday, September 27, 1943 - 15:00 - Treasury Department syndication - Treasury Department commercials
CD #19
The C. P. MacGregor Show
#13 Taken From Heaven
1940s - 30:00 - Syndicated - No commercials
The C. P. MacGregor Show
#14 We Who Forget
1940s - 30:00 - Syndicated - No commercials
CD #20
Tales From the Diamond K
#1001 Rodeo Horse Prize
1951 - 15:00 - Syndicated - Ken Maynard Phono Records commercials
Tales From the Diamond K
#1002 Golden Spider
1951 - 15:00 - Syndicated - Ken Maynard Phono Records commercials
Tales From the Diamond K
#1003 Rusty Bill
1951 - 15:00 - Syndicated - Ken Maynard Phono Records commercials
Tales From the Diamond K
#1004 The Oklahoma Kid
1951 - 15:00 - Syndicated - Ken Maynard Phono Records commercials

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