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You are here: Home > eBooks > The Secret 6 eBooks

A team of men, each an expert in his field, taking on crime with a fantastic twist. The Secret 6 only lasted four adventures, but blazed their own trail through Pulp Fiction. Now, Radio Archives has converted the entire series to eBooks, each one being the Total Pulp Experience. These exciting pulp adventures have been beautifully reformatted for easy reading as an eBook and features every story, every editorial, and every column of the original pulp magazine. As a special bonus, Will Murray has written an introduction especially for this series of eBooks.

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Secret 6 eBook #1 The Red Shadow - [Download] #RE356 Secret 6 eBook #2 House of Walking Corpses - [Download] #RE357 Secret 6 eBook #3 The Monster Murders - [Download] #RE358
Our Price: $3.99
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Our Price: $3.99
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Our Price: $3.99
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The Secret 6 eBook #1 The Red Shadow The Secret 6 eBook #2 House of Walking Corpses Secret 6 eBook #3 The Monster Murders
Secret 6 eBook #4 The Golden Alligator - [Download] #RE359
Our Price: $3.99
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Secret 6 eBook #4 The Golden Alligator

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