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Two Complete Detective Books eBook Summer 1942 - [Download] #RE1194
Two Complete Detective Books eBook Summer 1942

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Product Code: RE1194

Radio Archives Pulp Classics
Two Complete Detective Books eBook
Summer 1942
Total Pulp Experience. These exciting pulp adventures have been beautifully reformatted for easy reading as an eBook and features every story, every editorial, and every column of the original pulp magazine.
As the magazine title promised, each issue of this pulp contained two complete and unedited detective novels. Fiction House publishers, through their Real Adventures Publishing imprint, bought up the reprint rights to detective books that had already seen publication in hardback book form, a practice which allowed them to obtain the previously-printed books much cheaper. Radio's famous "Mr. and Mrs. North" detective series began as a series of print books, six of which appeared in the Two Complete Detective Books magazine. The first of Two Complete Detective Books was released in the Winter 1939 issue. Two complete books for a quarter was quite a bargain, and the magazine was popular with customers. It lasted for 76 issue, and printed the final magazine in its run with the Spring 1954 issue. Two Complete Detective Books returns in vintage pulp tales, reissued for today’s readers in electronic format.
Table of Contents:
Nine Against New York
By Albert Leffingwell
One moment Mike Pope, trouble-hunting American columnist, was drowning his sorrows up and down the peaceful Champs Elysées; the next he was part of the panicked shambles of humanity that choked the Paris-Orleans road... And beside him rode a beautiful, unknown baroness who claimed to be his wife! But he bad little time then to worry about that. France was crumbling. The whole world was fleeing toward Lisbon — the last gateway to America, and peace.
But there was no peace for Mike Pope! Back in New York, his strange, new wife disappeared as mysteriously as she had come, and Mike found himself caught up in the greatest espionage game of all time — a pawn of that swastika-shadowed group that called itself The Nine. With mounting horror he saw the grimly familiar pattern grow increasingly frightening. With unbelievable swiftness, climax followed stupendous climax, building inexorably to that vivid night when startled New Yorkers looked up to see the hooked-cross legions of the Fuehrer swarming the midnight skies... Here is a timely, breathlessly-paced novel of things that might have been — or, not too inconceivably, of things that still might be!
A Pinch Of Poison
By Frances And Richard Lockridge
“... because March 4th is Election Day, of course!” When Mrs. North concluded this triumphant — if somewhat baffling — statement, the telephone rang; and before Mr. North and Lieutenant-Detective Weigand could ever find out what she meant, the Norths were merrily head over heels in a new murder case.
There was no apparent reason why anyone should wish to kill pretty, harmless Lois Winston. But somebody most obviously did — picking the gay Ritz-Plaza roof for his murder scene. It didn’t, as Mrs. North pointed out, make sense. It made even less sense when, a few days later, an old woman living alone in a ramshackle mansion on the Hudson, opened her door to a midnight caller and got three bullets through her head. But somehow, Weigand knew, the two murders were connected. And somewhere in the mass of clues, alibis and facts were the links that bound them together. Such tiny, inconceivable links as Mrs. North’s red handbag, Volume 11 of the Encyclopedia, and an unimportant old gentleman who got a traffic ticket in Hartford: but they were strong enough to send Mrs. North galloping off to play a lone hand in the dangerous game that had already taken two lives.
Radio Archives Pulp Classics line of eBooks are of the highest quality and feature the great Pulp Fiction stories of the 1930s-1950s. All eBooks produced by Radio Archives are available in ePub and Mobi formats for the ultimate in compatibility. If you have a Kindle, the Mobi version is what you want. If you have an iPad/iPhone, Android, or Nook, then the ePub version is what you want.

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